English version & Network presentation

As a result of the network meeting, we had agreed upon projects for the next year, proposals for common projects and involvement :
- Conferences
- Workshops – we discussed the possibility of workshops on writing projects, which will be analyzed in the next days. One of the options is organizing a workshop for the Romanian network before ALF CFP next year
- In the next period the focus will be on projects aiming fields such as migrants, integration (social and professional) for young’s and disabled, ecology.
- Common goals – as line of activities on mid-term, for about 2 years, in order to ease the process of developing projects together and write down for CFP
- During the next period we have to identify sources of financing for projects on integration on migrants
- Seminars and workshops and contests – on sustainable development or similar issues, with direct impact on everyday life
- Proposals of CRC of organizing network meetings, teambuilding, common actions, communication on periodic basis on the yahoo group and through newsletter; the proposals of having the meeting on neutral location
- Organizing a conference to disseminate the results of the common projects and activities developed during the year that passed. The conference should be at least once in a year.
- A seminar on best practices, as a transfer of know-how between members (follow up Barcelona)

Ongoing projects of participants:
Center for Civic resources – centers for migrants, workshops, trainings on Romanian language; APP Procivitas – activities on youth in action (2 ongoing), contests, international exchange for 2 years between 4 countries; Tineret Buzau 2007 – actions on Youth in action ....etc

Introducing the network:

May 8th, 2011


   Black Sea University Foundation
International Centre for Research and Education
NGO with Consultative Status with ECOSOC/UN
And Participative Status with the European Council
Founding and Profile:
The Black Sea University Foundation (BSUF) was founded in 1992 as a non-governmental and non-profit organization. This occasion aroused  together with the founding of the governmental and parliamentary organizations of the Black Sea .At the high level reunion in Istanbul the initiative of a ‘Romanian group of professors was announced, giving priority to Romania and forcing the other countries to choose initiatives in other areas. That is why BSUF remained the only organization of the civil society that has in view the promoting of the ideas of cooperation persuaded by the official institutions of the member states (Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Russia, and Ukraine, as coast countries joined by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Greece, Moldova and Albania). Because the BSEC and PABSEC headquarters are in Istanbul, Greece wished to establish in Athens a Centre for Black Sea Studies with the BSEC, which has almost the same interests as those of the BSUF. (This Centre is sustained financially by the Greek government, which offered not only wages for international office-worker, one of them being an initial partner with the BSUF, but also generous offices for international reunions in Athens and in the Greek islands.)
The experience gained in 1991 and 1992 by its founders, following the organization of five European summer schools with the support and collaboration of Bruges European College, helped consolidate the Foundation's training and life-long education dimension. This collaboration with the European College focused on the European challenges, but the Black Sea area proved to be more attractive, because the European themes were included in larger objectives of modernization and development of the region including Romania. The educational vocation followed the research carried out in its centers: the National Centre for Sustainable Development - NCSD (presently an autonomous institution), the Conflict Prevention Studies Centre – CPSC and the Laboratory for Information Technologies in Education - LITE.
The BSUF subtitle resumes the essence of its vocation: International Centre for Research and Training.
Black Sea University:
BSU educational activity focused on training young researchers, economists, managers, teachers or professionals through post-graduate summer courses held in various Black Sea resorts. Around 30 courses were organized with an yearly attendance of about 1,000 participants from more than 42 countries, especially from the Black Sea area and South Eastern Europe.
The BSU courses discussed subjects of special interest for the region such as Sustainable Development, Economic Sciences and Management, Ecology and Marine Resources, I.T., Advanced Sciences – Applied Sciences, International Relations, Conflict Prevention and Negotiations, Models and Mathematical Methodologies for Crisis and Risk Study, Innovative Higher Education.  Co-working relationships were established with the Universities of Constanta, Galati, Bucharest, Brasov and others regarding the organization of post-graduate courses.
The three conditions that must be fulfilled by a regional centre are excellence, communication and location. The last requirement was never fulfilled as the Foundations’ courses were carried out in rented classrooms or ones offered by our better equipped Romanian partners. All successive governments until 2000 examined the four proposals of buildings suitable for BSU’s activities on the Seashore, but they were given to other beneficiaries. 
Patronage and Partnership:  
BSUF presently has:
Ø  Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC/UN
Ø  Special Consultative Status with European Council
Ø  It is a  Black Sea regional point of the International Ocean Institute
Based on its UN status, BSUF has organized in Bucharest in 2003, with the help of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs the reunion of the NGOs from 15 states in the East Europe that have the same status. At the end of the conference, the BSUF was chosen to be the coordinator of the NGOs’ activity in the region during the next 2 years.
Considering its status with the European Council, BSUF is active in the study and presentation of the European themes. In 2004 was held, with an Italian and French participation and in collaboration with the Titulescu Foundation, the scientific reunion entitles ‘Humanity at the Hour of Major Processes: Globalization and Regionalization’. Also in 2004 continues the annual series of Summer Schools (the eighth) organized by the  Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies.
As an I.O.I. regional point located in Constanta, here took place numerous scientific seminars devoted to the study of the Black Sea in the presence of the I.O.I. board from Malta. Through the activity of this point possibilities appeared for collaboration with scientists from the Caspic Sea, this being a currant objective of BSUF.
The bond with the organizations from the Black Sea is stated in an agreement with the BSEC, while PABSEC has included BSUF in its activities through several special resolutions.
Since its establishment, BSUF was endorsed by some organizations from the UN family: UNESCO, CEPES, UNU (Tokyo), UNITAR (Geneva) and by some non-governmental and academic bodies as the Club of Rome, World Academy of Art and Science, World Federation of Studies Futures, and Futuribles International. CEPES essentially encouraged us, and the Club of Rome remained an inexhaustible source for relations with the significant personalities of the world, reflected in the International Scientific Council of the BSUF. 
The International Scientific Council had initially as President of Honor Jacques -Yves Cousteau and numbered personalities from the scientific, the culture and the politics world: three Nobel Prize winners, three former state presidents, international organizations presidents, university presidents and professors, writers and scientists.
At the 10-year anniversary of its establishment, the BSUF paid tribute to the members of the Scientific Council that were no longer with us and that had honored with their prestige and precious help the activities of the BSUF:
Jacques -Yves Cousteau, President of Honor;
Elisabeth Mann-Borgese, President of Honor of the International Ocean Institute;
Mihai Botez, Ambassador of Romania to the UN;
Emilio Hap, member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Studies;
Paul-Marc Henry, Ambassador of France, former general director of UNDP and UN;
Lord Yehudi Menuhin;
Saburo Okita, former Japanese Foreign Affairs Minister;
Thor Heyerdal, Norwegian explorer;
Jacques Freymond, former president of the IUHEI (Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales), Geneva;
Titus Podea, Professor, New York;
Pamfil Riposan, lawyer, New York.
Scientific excellence:
Here are two examples that can demonstrate the high level of scientific excellence:
Ø  “Chaitin Complexity and Applications”(1995) a course held by Gregory J. Chaitin (USA) and organized in collaboration with Auckland University, New Zealand;
Ø  “Advanced Course on Bioelectronics” held by Nobel Prize Winner, Professor Igor Giavaer.
Beyond the European borders, BSU had a close cooperation with Tokay University, Japan, from which resulted a course entitled “Comparative Studies in Management” and a round table “Subcultures, Nation Building and Forms of Government. The Case of Central Europe Countries” (1994). 20 Japanese students took part in these activities thanks to the intense promotion given the Foundation by professor Rei Shiratori, the director of Social Sciences Research Institute, Tokay University, Tokyo, also a member of the International Scientific Council of BSU. Post-graduate courses were organized in cooperation with more than 12 American Universities and Fulbright members. Solid cooperation was developed with the British Council and French, Italian, Spanish, German and Nordic Universities, other than the already existing partnerships with the Universities from the Black Sea region, especially the ones in Turkey, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Russia.
We may also mention the beneficial collaboration with other universities and study centers from other countries. Among them: London School of Economics, IFRI (France), University of Geneva, Institute Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationals (Geneva), CASIN (Geneva), Copenhagen Peace Research Institute, University of Trieste (Italy), Südoesteuropa Gesellshaft (Munich), Free University Berlin, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Baltic University (Uppsala), Institute of International and Strategic Studies (Tirana, Albania), University for National and World Economy (Sofia, Bulgaria), Institute of World Systems, Economics and Strategic Research (Ankara, Turkey), Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (Greece), Institute of International Politics and Economics (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), ECPD (Belgrade), University of Zagreb (Croatia), Fakultet Islamskih Nauka (Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina), ISCOMET-International Scientific Conference on Minorities for Europe of Tomorrow (Maribor, Slovenia), Laszlo Teleki Institute (Budapest, Hungary), Center for International Studies (Odessa, Ukraine), Center for International Studies (Baku, Azerbaijan), Armenian Center for Political and International Studies, Caucasian Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development (Tbilissi, Georgia), Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT (Cambridge), University of Southern California (Los Angeles), Washington State University, Boston University, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (Washington), Center for Negotiation Analysis (Potomac, Maryland), School of Political Science and Economics (Tokyo), Meiji Gakuin University.
Over the last years, the Black Sea University Foundation offered its facilities and experience to new research groups, becoming a common platform for projects and centers. Most acutely and interesting topics for the countries in the mentioned area were included in the following 8 programmes:

                   Peace Diplomacy and International Relations

·         Political Culture and Contemporary Problems
·         Sustainable Development
·         Economic Studies and Management
·         Ecology and Sea Resources
·         Prospective Studies
·         Advanced and Applied Science
·         Laboratory for Information Technology in Education
Chaitin Complexity and Applications a course ran by Gregory J. Chaitin (US and organized in cooperation with Auckland University, New Zealand;
Comparative Studies in Management a course organized with Tokay University, Japan;
• Regional Summer School on Selected Topics in Finance in cooperation with World Bank Institute;
Course of Negotiators, in cooperation with Romanian Ministry for European Integration
• Summer School The Quest for European Values in association with Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies (LIEIS);
Roots of Conflicts in the Black Sea Area in collaboration with Peace Research Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark;
Total Quality Management in collaboration with Canadian Executive Service Organization;
Environmental Awareness with European Forum and Club of Rome;
Cultural Change in University Training with Open Society Institute, Budapest.

• Subcultures, Nation Building and Forms of Government: The Case of Central European Countries in cooperation with Tokay University, Japan;
New Generations of Conflicts in the 21st Century a symposium organized by BSUF – Conflict Prevention Studies Centre in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Germany;
The Integration of e-Learning in Knowledge Management in collaboration with National School of Political Sciences and Administration (NSPSA);
• The Club of Rome Symposium How to Ride the Global Wave: Avoiding Crisis and Wars in cooperation with other NGOs;
Improving the contents of International Relations Programs, an inter-university workshop with the support of the German Rectors Conference, US Institute of Peace (USIP), UPAZ and CEPES-UNESCO;
Pluralism and Authoritarianism in the Post-Communist Transition: Social Representations and Political Attitudes – workshop in cooperation with Goethe Institute, Bucharest;
The Wind and Other Renewable Energy Opportunities in the Black Sea Region in collaboration with Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canadian Embassy in Romania, and ABB.

Round Tables
Black Sea – Caspian Sea round table of specialists in marine ecology;
The Constitution of Europe and Constitutions of the Member States a workshop in cooperation with Humboldt Foundation;

Sponsorship and assistance for the events were granted by USIP, HRK-German Rectors Conference, Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies, CEPES/UNESCO, Sasakawa Foundation (Japan), Tokai University, BRD(Societe General), Open Society Foundation, BCR, GELSOR, ROMGAZ, “Ion Tiriac” Bank, GRIVCO, Ana Electronics – Romania, and others.
The first book edited by the Foundation’s publishing house was by Professor Gheorghe Păun : “Artificial Life. Grammatical Models”.
The BSUF developed a tight collaboration with Prof. Gheorghe Păun (Romanian Academy Institute of Mathematics), Prof. Cristian Claude (Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand) and with the mathematical linguistics school of Acad. Solomon Marcus regarding the unconventional calculus.
The research in ecology and marine biology was carried out in collaboration with The Institute for Marine Study in Constanta and The Institute for Marine Ecology and Biology (Prof. Panin, Prof. Gomoiu and Prof. Bologa, correspondent members of The Romanian Academy).
The two permanent research centers of the BSUF are CPC and LITE.
In accordance with the place the conflict study holds in the BSUF agenda, the Conflict Prevention Studies Centre was created, enjoying  UNDP financial support for its regional dimension and is being assisted by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research through its CERES National Program.
Each year, at least one course or a seminar is devoted to conflict prevention or peaceful resolution, focusing on the theory as well as the practice of negotiations. Through continuous debates with experts on the Balkans and Black Sea area, a new approach was developed, now commonly described as the "Black Sea School" or "Common Project School".
A symposium organized in 1997 in Magalia, with the support of Swiss institutions, represented a defining moment in the settling of these ideas. The papers of this symposium, held in the presence of the Secretary General of BSEC, were published in English in a special issue of the Romanian Journal of International Affairs entitled The Conflicts from the Black Sea.  
In December 2001, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, BSUF organized a symposium on  The New Generation of Conflicts in the 21st Century. The occasional papers series was initiated by the publication of a study by Professor Radovan Vukadinovic (Croatia).
BSUF has set up the Laboratory for Information Technologies in Education (LITE) as a research and development unit to address the challenges of today's mapping of technology, knowledge and learning systems on the way towards a Knowledge Society. Its aims are:
Ø  to support innovation in the educational system and in the process of building the information society
Ø  to play an active part in, and to assist the process of educational reforms
Ø  to support the process of building an open and internationally integrated higher education system in Romania and in the Black Sea area.
Sustainable Development:
BSUF took the initiative to set up a National Centre for Sustainable Development (NCSD). With support from UNDP for the project, the first National Strategy for Sustainable Development was elaborated, involving more than 200 government officials, politicians, business and trade union leaders, academics and representatives of the civil society. The Romanian Government officially adopted the Strategy, with just a few amendments. Initially, NCSD operated as a research centre within the BSUF. It currently functions as an autonomous institution in close cooperation with BSUF.
Regional Initiatives:
BSUF took the initiative to set up a Network of Black Sea Universities, drawing inspiration from its exchanges with the Baltic Sea University (Uppsala) and the University of the Mediterranean Sea (Rome).
As a result of a Constitutive Conference organized in collaboration with Ovidius University of Constanta (whose rector became the first president of the Network), the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) was created. At present, BSUN numbers more than 100 universities. The Turkish president organized a BSUN conference in Istanbul (2000) and the next president, Azerbaijani, organized the conference held in Baku (2002).
Presently BSUN created a Consortium of Universities for the study of conflict prevention directed by CPSC of the BSUF and the Centre for the study of Information Technologies in Education directed by LITE.
In this way was made official the collaboration between the 100 universities, which are our constant partners in discussing these two themes.
Apart from the courses and the seminars, BSUF has organized a series of scientific and political meetings in the form of conferences, symposia and round tables, dedicated mostly to its core research themes and projects. Many of them were organized in cooperation with international organizations. Here are a few examples of such events:
Round Table of the World Academy of Arts and Science (President Harlan Cleveland) held in Mangalia in 1994 in preparation for the General Assembly in Minneapolis 
Regional summer school on Selected Topics in Finance - 1994 (in cooperation with World Bank Institute)
The Club of Rome Symposium on How to Ride the Global Wave: Avoiding Crisis and Wars - 1999 (in cooperation with other NGOs). Its proceedings were published in a special issue of the quarterly Millennium III
Inter-university Workshop on Improving the Contents of International Relations Programs - 2001 (with the support of the German Rectors Conference, United States Institute of Peace - USIP, UPAZ and CEPES-UNESCO)
World Futures Studies Federation, General Conference - Brasov, September 2001
Mitrany Evening. Debate in collaboration with Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies, 14 August 2002
Logic, Linguistics, Information Theory and the Mathematical Models as Tools for an International Relations Theory, in collaboration with the Romanian Academy, September 2002
The Unconventional Energies Symposium together with the Polytechnic University of Montreal, Mangalia, September 2003
The Cognition Philosophy Symposium together with the Philosophy Institute of the Romanian Academy
Authority and Pluralism, in collaboration with Goethe Institut Internationales, Bucharest, 2003
Millennium III:
A Journal published in English, “Millennium III” aims to be “A Workshop of Ideas and Projects of the Global Civilization”. Initiated in 1999, it represents a BSUF project supported by the Romanian Academy and ARCoR, the Romanian Association for the Club of Rome.
The journal is an instrument that builds bridges in terms of geography (binding Central Europe, the South, the East and the Black Sea and Caspian Sea Regions with the rest of the world), knowledge (scientific concepts and their social impact), theory and practice (illustrating how our knowledge and imagination materialize in useful projects) and past and future (adjusting history to the future studies).
In addition to the Romanian academic personalities belonging to the Scientific Board of the journal, we respectfully mention Ricardo Diez Hochleitner, president of honor of ARCoR, Serghei Kapitza, Lawrence Klein and Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Prize winners, Pentti Malaska, Federico Mayor, Jean d’Ormesson, Roseann Runte, Stephen Tulmin, E. Ulrich von Weizsäcker.
The subjects analyzed in the past issues were Globalization and Identity, Modernity, the papers of The Club of Rome symposium How to Ride the Global Wave, Communication,  South –East Europe, Real and Virtual (coordinated by Prof. Cristian Calude, New Zealand), The New Generation of Conflicts in the 21st Century. The 2004 issue is dedicated to the European Spaces.

Scientific board

Matilda Caragiu-Marioteanu - Member of the Romanian Academy
Virgil Candea - Member of the Romanian Academy
Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner - Honorary President of the Club of Rome
Dan Haulica - UNESCO Ambassador
Mugur Isarescu - President of the Romanian Association for the Club of Rome
Sergey Kapitza - Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Lawrence Klein - Nobel Prize Laureate
Pentti Malaska - Member of the Club of Rome
Mircea Malita - Member of the Romanian Academy
Federico Mayor - President of the Foundation Cultura de Paz
Virgil Nemoianu - University Professor USA
Jean D'Ormesson - Académie Française
George Paun - Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy
Ilya Prigogine - Nobel Prize Laureate
Roseann Runte - President of Victoria University, Toronto
Stephen Toulmin - Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker - Member of the Club of Rome
Major Projects:
v  The development of BSUF as a non-governmental body of active support for the Romanian foreign policy in the affirmation of its position in the wider area of the Black Sea

v  The Virtual Black Sea University. Based on the experience in the international promotion of this idea in the past years, the efforts of supporting the creation of the VBSU are resumed, as a project of the Romanian government, directed by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, and aimed to be presented to the EU and  UNESCO
v  The International Conference Centre will host more than 100 meetings every year. It is envisaged to obtain as its headquarters some restored historical building , in order to enhance its symbolic value for Romania's permanent presence in the international dialogue of cultures.
v  The development of  the research centers CPSC and LITE and of its regional dimension through the agreements signed with BSUN
v  The creation of the Centre for Energetic Consultancy together with  Italian research organizations
v  The amplification of the relations with EU programs based upon the new status with the European Council.
v  The consolidation of the Millennium III journal and  of its regular appearance together with the increase of the publishing activity (books and periodical papers) and the consolidation of the BSUF webpage
Projects 2009
23 June – Progresses in the theory and practice of negotiation (with ADIRI)
30 June – Conference on Renewable Energy Opportunities in the Black Sea Region - Roma (first part)
6-10 July – Conference on common interest in Europe – collaboration with IEM, IPE, IA, ADIRI, Romanian Academy, National Institute of Defense, Dales University (Bucharest)
20-25 July - East and Central Europe after 20 years – Vama Veche – collaboration with European and International Studies Institute – Luxemburg (LIEIS) and European Centre of Culture in Bucharest
September – Summer School – Danube Delta – European SC Foundation Project and GeoEcoMAr (National Institute for Marine Geology and Ecology)
September – Romanian users for WEB 2.0
October – Conflict prevention and solving scenarios in the enlarged Black Sea Area – with participation from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Greece, Russia, Moldova, Turkey.
October – education seminar for teachers – Rucar, Brasov – with Labor Ministry

The National Centre for Sustainable Development (NCSD)
We champion Sustainable Development around Romania, through innovation, partnership, projects and communications.
• National progress through sustainability.
• Credibility and commitment.
• Public participation.
• Innovation.
• The achievement of change.
The National Centre for Sustainable Development (NCSD) was established in 1997 under the aegis of the Romanian Academy. After gaining full maturity in its activities and vision, in 2001 NCSD became an independent Romanian non-governmental organization, a leading national consultant in sustainable development issues.
NCSD mandate is to identify the Sustainable Development priorities of the country and to address them at both national and local levels, to promote human resource capacity building and to facilitate intra and inter-sector integration of national sustainable development debates.
NCSD is committed to the concept of sustainable development, while focusing on the following issues:
• Sustainable Development of local communities at national, regional and local level.
• Environmental Protection.
• Quality of Life.
• Poverty Alleviation.
• Gender Equity.

Ratiu Center for Democracy
Short introduction on the projects and activities of the RCD. Their interest is in collaboration, partnerships and exchange info with NGO in the EURO-MED area especially for Turda Democracy Gatherings, Make your voice Heard and Ion Ratiu Volunteer Center.
Turda Democracy Gatherings
The Eastern European and Arab Democratic Youth Network (EEADYN) held its first international Turda Democracy Gatherings camp in July of 2007 in which Arab students joined Eastern European students in Turda, Romania for two weeks of skills-building workshops, volunteering, and evening gatherings. The project aims to expose Arab youth to the Eastern European experiences of democratic transition, as well as contemporary challenges in post transition societies. More specifically, the Turda Democracy Gatherings are meant to guide youth in developing an individual understanding and foundation of democratic values and behaviors by drawing on cross-cultural perspectives. During the camp, students were able to compare and contrast the experiences during the time of transition in Eastern Europe, the current effects on local populations, and the skills involved in advancing local democratic movements to that of the Arab World. Students were immersed into a democratic living setting by creating and negotiating the rules of the camp, which all participants and staff were obliged to follow, as well as by participating in workshops, volunteer sessions, evening gatherings, and team-building excursions. The goal for this project is to begin building bridges between Eastern European and Arab youth, two regions rarely connected, but historically, circumstantially, and regionally intertwined. In doing so, the students have become a support network for their aspirations of democratization and civic engagement in their home communities.
Ion Ratiu Democracy Lecture
The purpose of the Ion Ratiu Democracy Lecture is to bring visibility and international recognition to the ideas and accomplishments of individuals around the world who are working on behalf of democracy. The event expresses the deep commitment to democracy of the late Ion Ratiu through his contributions as a Romanian politician as well as his interest in democratic change worldwide. The Ion Ratiu Democracy Lecture aims to replicate for campaigning democrats today, whether in exile from repressive regimes or representative of today's emerging democracies, the life-changing experience in Washington, D.C., of the Romanian democrat, Ion Ratiu, in the 1970s and 1980s.
Ion Ratiu Theatre Workshop
 To provide volunteers of all ages with the opportunity to “find their voice” and gain confidence in themselves in a supportive, healthy climate while taking part in instructive and entertaining productions designed for the general public.
 Ion Ratiu Volunteer Center
The Volunteer Department promotes and supports the volunteer spirit, supporting this way our organizations projects. Our volunteers come from Turda and the surrounding communities and their assistance is vital to completing the number and size of projects the Ratiu Center facilitates each year. They are involved in every step of a project's process representing an active and important part of our team. Some of them have three years of experience already, activating as volunteers since the first project we worked on.
Our goals are build upon a long-term strategy for modernization as well as upon our partnership with different national and international Volunteer Centers.  
The mission of the Ion Ratiu Volunteer Center is to harness the power of volunteerism in Turda and assist volunteers in building a lifelong commitment to community service.
In fulfillment of its mission, the Center focuses attention in four key areas:
1) educating community members about the breadth and diversity of volunteer opportunities;
2) recruiting new volunteers and providing volunteer training; keep data regarding volunteers;
3) supervise volunteers in the delivery of programs and services, strategically collaborating with them for different projects that our organizations develop throughout the year to address community needs;
4) periodically survey volunteers and Project Managers to assess their needs.
Ion Ratiu Volunteering Center represent a permanent partner of Ratiu Center for Democracy, Turda Fest Association and Tourists Information Center (CIT), developing projects like: Turda Fest, Turda Fest Kids , Christmas for Children, Easter, Egg Hunt, Choose for your own sake, 2% Campaign, Ion Ratiu Debating Club, Turda, Democratic Gatherings International Camp, Art exhibition and different events weekly organized by CIT
 Make Your Voice Heard
RCD’s project Make Your Voice Heard seeks to foster gender equality by making women visible in the community, finding solutions to women’s problems in Turda, and pushing for the implementation of national equal opportunity policies on a local level.
Between May 27th and June 2nd, five round table discussions were organized with women from five different professional categories: public sector, private sector, new entrepreneurs, women not currently in the labour force, and migrants. On June 22nd an informational session was held for local women by local NGOs, legal councillors, and public officers.
Terra Ecologica is a Romanian NGO established in January 2006, in Bucharest.
They organize activities that enhance the tree canopy in cities/villages around the capital. Bucharest is one of the most polluted capitals in Europe. With green spaces decreasing every day, people become more and more frustrated. By offering people the chance to involve in planting trees activities they feel more active and proud, because they feel they can give a hand care to the nature.
“In 2008, we planted 45.000 trees with volunteers. We have been awarded by the ministry of environment, Attila Korodi, as the NGO to have planted the most trees in 2008. So far, we have planted 100.000 trees with our long term program, Stop the pollution. Start for the nature! In order to run the tree planting campaign, we make a viral (internet) campaign to find volunteers and to promote our NGO and our program. We have a blogg http://terraecologica.ablog.ro/ dedicated especially to this project.
We invite all people that love nature to participate in our program .We invite volunteers from other NGO’s, from schools, from the local communities, from companies, etc.
The planting tree project is a success. The majority of planted trees have grown. Also the number of people that want to be involved is continuously increasing. That is why we want to continue with the planting tree campaign”

“Apart from the practical side of the planting tree campaign, you must know that Terra Ecologica is a trend setter for the ecological movement in Romania. With this campaign we managed to raise awareness about the climate change and about deforestation. However, raising awareness is not enough. If people are couscious abot smth, but passive, they become frustrated. We give people the possibility to be active and plant trees. That is very important. We make people become active and in many cases, those who come to plant trees want to put into practice many more ideas about their ecological beliefs (at work, at home).
Our programme Stop the pollution. Start for the nature! began on the 1st of December 2007. The beginning was very hard with 37.000 acacia trees to be planted almost in winter time. However, that is the way successful campaign are carried. A great and long time effort is needed, in order to catch media attention and bring profound changes into the society and the mentalities of people. We gave press releases to the mass media, sent images and made an on line journal of the planting campaign at www.terraecologica.ablog.ro.
The same place in March 2008
 Apart from the benefits of the trees planted, we need to bring the shift in mentalities in order make a better world. Although planting trees is a difficult task, we made it seem like fun and joy and so encouraged people to come more and more. We also encourage companies to involve employees as volunteers.”
In 2010, they had planted trees in Belciugatele, in Dragomiresti Vale and Dragomiresti Deal. To have good results, they have to be very flexible and spontaneous and adapt to every new situation (new opportunities and find new domains for plating trees).
The project was included in our common operations and also took place in the first 5 months of 2011, each week-end having another planting tree campaign with volunteers from the network and partner companies.
“Terra Ecologica has developed other 2 programmes: Nature with pet and the campaign Let’s plant the Christmas trees. The last one proposes to have as Christmas trees in our houses or gardens fir trees with roots and to plant them afterwards. The idea was quite new in Romania. In fact, the market was invaded buy fir trees with roots brought from Holland, Denmark, Finland, etc, but very few from our country, Romania. With our campaign, Let’s plant the Christmas trees, we have tried to promote the local fir trees with roots. The result was indeed increasing demand from population of Romanian fir trees and many more actors appeared on this market.
For more information about Terra Ecologica campaigns you can visit:

“Tinerii Secolului XXI” Association
Short presentation

“Tinerii Secolului XXI” Association commenced to work in spring 1999 just a little group of 5 people. It was registered as an NGO in the same year. The organization was formed and operates out of the strong need of its members to be proactive in the society and time they live in. Since than we are oriented towards creation of opportunities for youth to grow and adapt to the upcoming changes. By that goal, we have developed a program of active participation of youth to ensure the rising of their awareness, in short, to prepare them to become youth of Europe with all the benefits and responsibilities.
Our mission is to increase the involvement of young people in the public life. Our objectives are to promote the basic needs of Romanian young people, to educate them in the spirit of democracy, to promote the relations between youth organizations from Romania and abroad, to promote the European idea and principles contained in the United Charta in Romanian society debates.
Our aims:
  • To inform the young people about civic education, health programs, community organization, community development;
  • To promote the Romanian values in the country and abroad;
  • To create  equal opportunities in accessing the information to all young people;
  • To educate the young people in the spirit of the democracy, tolerance and diversity;
  • To develop national and international youth project collaborating with local, regional, national and international youth structures;
In order to achieve his objectives our association is organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, public campaigns, training courses,  symposia and debates, is communicating with the state institutions and civil society and in the same time participating to other association activities in the country and abroad.
Even back in 1999 we have started just a little group composed only by 5 volunteers, now we have more than 100 members organized in 2 offices. One of the offices is located in Drobeta Turnu Severin town, the older and the most active one. The second office situated in Vinju Mare, beside regular activities is holding also a youth centre coordinated by our volunteers.
            On the national and international level our work is oriented toward implementation of our national program for youth development and development of active citizenship. Also, we are creating opportunities for networking, capacity building and exchanges for youth, in the partnership with local, national and international NGOs.
 “Tinerii Secolului XXI” pursues its aims through different programs, at local and international level.  The most important ones in which we are enrolled are the 'Youth in Action' Programme of the European Commission, European Youth Foundation –funding mechanism of Council of Europe, and Europe for Citizens programme. Through these programs, “Tinerii Secolului XXI” is developing or has developed the following international initiatives:
  • Sending groups of young people to international youth exchanges, trainings or study visits in EU and South Eastern Europe countries mainly.
  • Organizing international youth exchanges in our village, hosting youngsters from different European Union countries.
  • Participating in training courses, aimed to youth workers and youth leaders, held in the European Union.
  • Hosting, sending and coordinating European Voluntary Service projects.
At local level our work is focused on offering new leisure and education opportunities to the young people, through trainings, workshops, travels, Etc. and especially focused on promoting the active participation of youngsters, facilitating the young people the resources to organize and manage their own initiatives.
 Our organization holds the following accreditations or membership:
  • Legal Youth Organization accredited and registered under Romanian laws.
  • Accredited organization in the European Voluntary Service organizations date base of the European Commission.
  • Member of the Local Youth Council in Drobeta Turnu Severin.
  • Member of “youthNET” a multiregional multilevel network that shares a variety of
    experiences of civil society organizations from Southeast Europe, Eastern Europe & Caucasus, and European Union countries.  24 youth organizations are members of the network and cooperating in order to e
    mpower young people to achieve their fullest potential as active citizens.
  • Since 2009 we are also members of Anna Lindth network.
More information about our projects and initiatives can be found on our web page: www.ts21.ro
Asociatia Româna pentru Studii Baltice si Nordice
Romanian Asociation for Baltic and Nordic Studies

The aim of The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies is the promotion of research activities in the field of Baltic and Bordic studies, the encouragement of knowledge in public benefit regarding this geographical area, including by the means of education, especially of higher education, the cooperation with similar institutions and associations from Romania and abroad, the promotion of the dialogue and cooperation on the axis the Baltic Sea – the Black Sea 
A.Projects ongoing:
1.  Romanian Newspaper for Baltic and Nordic Studies – second edition to be done in May and third in November
Cooperation with institutions and anyone interested in the subject approached in the magasine is extremely importand.
2. 1st Annual ARSBN Conference: Romania and Lithuania in the Interwar International Relations: Bonds, Intersections and Encounters - Valahia University of Târgoviste, Romania, May 19-21, 2010 – organized by the Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies, the Lithuanian Embassy in Bucharest, Valahia University of Târgoviste and “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History of the Romanian Academy and will be hosted by Valahia University of Târgoviste (Romania). (http://www.arsbn.ro/conferences.htm).
3.  Research project  - "Bonds, relations, networks and parallels between the Baltic and the Black Sea rim regions during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries".  The team is formed and the project is drafted.  Feel free to contact us and share  ideas  on the subject and you are invited to get involved in the project.
 B. Important projects drafted:
1. Summer camp dedicated to baltic and nordic studies, located in Romania – starting in july 2011  or beginning of 2012. Any help is wellcome.
2. A conference about joining NATO of the Baltic States and Romania and the change in the security approach in Central and East Europe 
 Asociatia Romana pentru Studii Baltice si Nordice - www.arsbn.ro
 Grigore Gafencu Study Center for the History of International Relations - www.centrulgafencu.ro
 Valahian Journal of Historical Studies - www.valahianjournal.info
 Valahia University of Targoviste - www.valahia.ro 
            Vector Association



Accented aims to develop co-operations in South East Europe (SEE), and the East Mediterranean (EM), North Africa, the Gulf Countries and the United Kingdom with key institutions that focus on artistic research.
The program will be coordinated through a relationship between six institutions – Platform Garanti CAC (Istambul, Turkey), Vector Association (Iasi, Romania), Ashkal Alwan (Beirut, Lebanon),Townhouse Gallery (Cairo, Egypt), Delfina Foundation (London, UK) and Spike Island (Bristol, UK).
Creative Collaboration grants will be made available to artists, curators and writers from countries in SEE, EM, the Gulf and the UK. Over a course of two years 20 professionals selected will be offered six to eight-week residencies at one of the participating institutions.
Accented is supported by the British Council under the Creative Collaboration Project Funds.
a) Periferic Festival - The first edition of the Periferic Festival consisted in a series of performances organized on 24 May 1997 at the French Cultural Center in Iasi – International Biennial for Contemporary Art (platform for promotion, production and cultural exchange in contemporary art field)
b) Vector – art and culture in context – publication
c) Studio for art practices and debates (platform for research, production and media run in partnership with “George Enescu” Arts Univ. of Iasi.


Association pf Psychologist and Therapists in Constanta.
Promoting intercultural dialogue, identifying values and models of minorities through extended Sociological Research in Romania (on young people between 15-30 years), promoting dialogue, mutual acceptance and cooperation between minorities ()
1. Workshop on Diversity run with European Committee, between Sept 2008 – June 2009 
2 “Stiinta sufletului” (Science of Soul) – magazine
3. BRAVO – 01.09.2009-10.12.2009 – the young’s of 10 high schools in Constanta have the chance to participate to a contest on cultural basis – project run with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Council of Psychologists



The Romanian Association for the Club of Rome (ARCoR) is a non governmental and apolitical organization. ARCoR shares the Club of Rome's (CoR) concern for humankind's future and is built upon its most important concepts, such as:
  • the need for global thinking and local action;
  • the importance of long term thinking;
  • the need to advance global action and to address the world problematique.


  1. Disseminate CoR's ideas and projects at the level of the Romanian society
  2. Encourage regional cooperation in the spirit of CoR's innovative solutions
  3. Organize studies and debates with respect to current major national issues, to provide solutions and encourage the development of prospective studies
  4. Actively involve Romanian NGO as partners in ARCoR's programs
  5. Encourage the participation of the young in ARCoR's activities
  6. Increase the cooperation with CoR associations through common projects and events.

In reaching its objectives, the Romanian Association for the Club of Rome will organize international meetings; will participate, through its members and representatives, in different events; and will edit periodic publications and scientific papers.
Mugur Isarescu
Vice Presidents
Malita Mircea
Celac Sergiu
Haiduc Ionel
Pogonaru Florin
Secretary General
Calin Georgescu
Executive Director
Mugur Tolici
Honorary Members
Iliescu Ion
Constantinescu Emil
About Club of Rome
The Club of Rome was founded in April 1968 by Aurelio Peccei, an Italian scholar and industrialist, and Alexander King, a Scottish scientist. The Club of Rome raised considerable public attention with its report The Limits to Growth, which has sold 30 million copies in more than 30 translations making it the best selling environmental book in world history. Published in 1972, it predicted that economic growth could not continue indefinitely because of the limited availability of natural resources, particularly oil. The 1973 oil crisis increased public concern about this problem.
At that time the Club of Rome had an informal 'inner group' of six, but no corporate existence. The inner group consisted of:
    * Aurelio Peccei
    * Alexander King
    * Hugo Thiemann, Director of the Batelle Institute in Geneva
    * Max Kohnstamm (Netherlands), former Secretary General of the ECSC
    * Jean Saint-Geours, Ministry of Finance in Paris
    * Erich Jantsch, author of 'Technological Forecasting'
It is composed of "scientists, economists, businessmen, international high civil servants, heads of state and former heads of state from all five continents who are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once and for all and that each human being can contribute to the improvement of our societies."
In 2001 the Club of Rome created the tt30, a Young Think Tank with people around the age of 30, a Think Tank that gives input to the Club of Rome on the ideas and visions of the young generation of today.
There are national COR associations in a series of nations including many European, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and Asian nations. These analyze national problems in terms of the same factors and give advice nationally to decision-makers.
Mugur Tolici - Executive Director
Olivia Popescu - Senior Executive Assistant
Romanian Association for the Club of Rome
16 Dr. Burghelea Street
024032, Bucharest-2
Tel: +40. (21).310.33.20
Fax: +40. (21).310.33.21

                Institute for Innovation and Development Projects

            The Institute for Innovation and Development Projects (IIDP) was established in 2006 as a non-profit organization, independent of the existing political context and dissociated from any commercial pursuit. The Institute itself is a project based on scientific rationality; its main purposes are to build an environment of sound moral and social attitudes and to provide a setting for free expression of opinions about Romanian reality, now and in the future. IIDP seeks to be a forum for all those who take an interest in a positive re-evaluation of authentic performance and professional excellence to serve the advancement of Romanian society.
            Through its own research and analysis and by offering alternative projects for public policies, IIDP is committed to the notion of reform so that Romania fully embraces the values, standards and practices of the European Union. The basic assumption is that subjects such as public information, social mobility, education and research, encouragement of professionalism, rational use of resources, modernization of agriculture and rural areas, protection of cultural heritage and natural environment, and more effective governance are not just election campaign issues. Since those are matters of major public concern, the citizens are entitled to have their say.
            Relying on their experience and knowledge, the IIDP members intend to discuss issues that they deem to be of vital importance for the progress of Romanian society in a European context. For this purpose the IIDP produces analytical sectored reports providing a realistic perspective on the state of affairs in Romania, while offering comparisons with the performance of other countries, examples of good practice, and practical suggestions and recommendations for constructive action.

IIDP activities involve public debates, expert advice, support for research and learning initiatives, and encouragement of enhanced participation of the media and the civil society in promoting the modern development of Romanian society. The investment of effort and resources in the human factor is regarded as the key for the development of Romania in the decades to come.

Reshaping Professional Worth in Romania

Because we are so very close to a world in which any individual is likely to be asked "What can you do?" rather than "Who are you?”, Romania has to move once again towards professional upgrading on a massive scale. That was the main focus of the debate "Reshaping Professional Worth in Romania", the starting project of the IIDP in 2006.

"Back to Basics. Reshaping Professional Worth in Romania" – 2008

Following that early initiative and relying on the substance of contributions to the 2006 debate, the IIDP launched, in the autumn of 2008, its first Report entitled Back to Basics. Reshaping Professional Worth in Romania. For the most part, the Report offers an historical overview of the emergence of professional elites and the part they played at various stages of Romania’s development. The critical analysis of the current situation is accompanied by comparisons with the achievements of other countries. The requirements arising from Romania's EU membership are also spelled out.

The Report states that “a serious debate relying on solid facts and figures, with no nostalgia or illusions gives us an opportunity to identify the problems that we have to confront, to establish a rational order of priorities and to proceed with a quest for optimal, science-based solutions for the future”.

The final chapter of the Report advances several succinct recommendations for the modernization and improvement of the entire system of education, training, research and innovation in Romania with an aim to reach, by 2025-2030, the average performance standards of the developed countries in the European Union and worldwide.

“A Chance for Romania: Betting on People. Reshaping Professional Worth in Romania II” – 2009

In response to the keen interest that the first Report elicited among experts and the general public the IIDP produced, in March 2009, its second Report “A Chance for Romania: Betting on People. Reshaping Professional Worth in Romania II”. This collection of scholarly papers proposed to take a step forward by providing the readers with elements for deeper reflection on the importance of human factor in the development of Romanian society now and in the next few decades.
Most of the authors who contributed to the Report had the singular experience of having been involved, throughout 2008, in the preparation of the National Sustainable Development Strategy of Romania 2013-2020-2030 as members of either the Scientific Council operating under the aegis of the Romanian Academy or the Drafting Group. The experience of working together on a project of such magnitude and complexity emboldened us to be somewhat less shy about tackling the sensitive area of human resources for Romania’s future.
The Report was not intended to outline a comprehensive strategy or an action plan but rather to submit to public attention some food for thought for the further preparation, without undue delay, of a coherent programme bringing together under a single conceptual umbrella those measures that are required to make good use of the available human capital and to secure the future development of human resources according to the principles of sustainable development and the well-conceived Romanian national interest in a European context.
Romanian Academy – www.acad.ro
Romanian Banking Institute – www.ibr-rbi.ro
National Centre for Sustainable Development – www.ncsd.ro
Romanian Association for the Club of Rome – www.clubofrome.ro
Black Sea University Foundation

PER Mission

            Although it is a small organization, PER stands out when compared to other private organizations, having managed to bring together political leaders of ethnic groups in dialogue, thus contributing to the elaboration of concrete understandings and arrangements that have replaced possible ethnic violence with practical models of interethnic cooperation.
September 19th, 2009 – A national panel on intensifying the political and social involvement of gypsies (Roma communities), by facilitating their access to the process of making decisions in local structures.
26-28 iulie 2009 - Sighişoara, Mureş County, România – workshop on the same issue, with 22 participants.

 ACTIVITY Foundation
For Human Resources and Sustainable Development

a) Promoting initiatives for equal chances given through education and the development of some educational models to be spread to national scale.
b) Promoting sustainable development
c) Supports social protection activities and conducts its own activities to provide material and moral support for some categories of people (disadvantaged categories)
e) Collaboration with other NGO’s interested in the same area.
Major projects on 2004, 2005, 2006.

CDCD Info – Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Comunitara Durabila
Center for Sustainable Community Development

CSCD - The Association – Center for Sustainable Community Development (CSCD) is an apolitical, autonomous, non-profit and non-governmental association, functioning as an informal group from 2008 and legislated as an NGO in January 2010.
The aim of the association - developing and implementing cultural, artistic and educational  activities aiming at community development and also contributing to the social and personal development of its main target group – the youngsters from the rural and urban areas, youngsters with fewer opportunities and the isolated communities – providing capacity building support.
 CSCD Objectives:
General Objectives:
1.      Providing humanitarian help for the children and youngsters with special needs.
2.      Creating and providing better conditions for the youngsters and children with special social needs or challenged youngsters.
3.      Social and school reinsertion for the youngsters and children coming from difficult socio – economic background.
4.      Information and support guaranteeing human rights and social protection for the groups in need.
5.      Promoting and supporting the equal opportunities concept and active communitarian participation.
6.      Developing and implementing programs for youngsters with special needs.
7.      Supporting adults in their professional reinsertion process.
8.      Implementing local, national and international projects aiming at providing better opportunities for its target group.
9.      Support for the cultural, artistic and creative activities in the working communities.

Our main activities are:
-          Capacity building and support for local NGOs
-          Support and training for youth leaders and youth trainers (developing mentorship programs)
-          Implementing local youth initiatives and projects financed through the European Schemes and Promoting the EuroMed cooperation – and promoting the Anna Lindh Foundation programs
-          Developing and implementing youth empowerment and active youth participation projects.
Contact person:
Adina Marina Calafateanu
 Centre for Non-Proliferation Unconventional Threats – NEXUS

About Us:

“Centre for Non-Proliferation Unconventional Threats – NEXUS” is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that will promote a new Security Culture through education, training, and research on major issues of International Security focusing on the unconventional threats – Biosecurity, Environmental Security, Human Security, Energy Security, Transnational Organized Crime, International Terrorism, Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction – in order to support International Security, Human Security, Democracy and respect of Human Rights.

Fields of Work:
-          Youth
-  Education
-          Culture
-          Peace
-          Community Development


Our proposition for 2010 is a project for creating and developing a Euro Mediterranean Human Security Research Network that will emphasize environmental changes studying and climate changes in the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea Region.
The title of the project is : “Black Sea NGO’s Human Security Network”.The project, with a budget of 10 000 euros a year, five years long, is coordinated by NEXUS – Center for Non-Proliferation Unconventional Threats and will be launched in the autumn of 2010.
Its general objective is to develop a new Security Culture around the Black Sea Region, putting a strong accent on Human Security and Environmental Security.Specifically, the goal is to create a Network constituting of NGO’s, Universities, Media Institutions and individual persons that will participate to the creation of a Database structured on problems concerning the Human Security around the Black Sea.
Another specific objective is creating a Virtual Library and a Newsletter to popularize the results of the research effectuated within the project.
The success of this project could determine its geographical extent from the Mediterranean Sea Region all the way to Central Asia.



Aim: organization and developing the activities for and with young people, cultural, entertainment, educational, touristic, social, sport activities to the local and international level; workshops linked to the major interest area for youth: social responsibilities, environment, health, social programmes for children and youth with disabilities (we have a specialised Centre for rehabilitation and special education), cultural and social integration for minorities, cooperation inter-regional and intercultural field.
POLITISTIKI GEFYRA ,IOANNOU METAXA 3,THESSALONIKI ,GREECE  -"Human and natural environment through people's memories and legends".

Hellenic Foundation for Culture

Goal – to promote the Hellenic culture and to disseminate the Greek language all over the world
The Centre in Bucharest have 2 employers. The main source of founding is the central Foundation in Athens

The Library of Greek culture is housed in HFC's Head Office premises, in a building designed especially for this purpose. The Library is getting organized this period. The building will include a guest-house to accommodate temporarily scholars, researchers and honorary guests of the HFC.

The Hellenic Foundation for Culture is head of the Greek network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Dialogue between Cultures, and is a member of the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC).

¨  Contact:

REC Country office Romania

Fields of Activity: Environment/Sustainable development

General Information:
The Romanian Country Office was among the firstly established REC offices in the Region. Since the early beginnings of Romania’s transition to democracy, the grants schemes, the support for networking and training programs managed by REC Romania, ensured the emergence and growth of a genuine, diverse and active community of environmental NGOs. This NGO support mandate continues to be high on the priorities list of the Country Office, bearing in mind that Romanian government should engage in an open dialogue with the environmental civil society, on matters related to the EU Accession.
Strategic partnerships have also been constantly created since 2000, with the Ministry of Environment and Waters Management, and its network of Regional and Local Environmental Agencies, who have benefited from the growing expertise of the Office in Climate Change, Waste Management, Public Participation in Water Management and Environmental investment planning - all these topic areas are of high importance for achieving conformity with EU Acquis.

Not of least importance, the technical assistance provided to local authorities in the form of LEAPs, as cooperative planning mechanisms to promote sustainability and the know-how transferred to the business sector, in areas of: Environmental Management Systems, Energy Efficiency have improved the REC profile among these stakeholders, while in the same time, enabled REC to better understand the challenges and needs on the ground, arising from the implementation of different EU Directives and Multilateral Environmental Agreements.

Mission and Objectives:
Assist Romanian authorities and key stakeholders to develop and implement environmental strategies, programs and actions geared towards sustainability.

Main Projects / Activities:
◊ A green business-approach for the Development of Rural Communities: the case of Brad Area (February 2004- November 2004)
The project promoted the development of organic farming and rural tourism pensions as green alternatives for the economic recovery of Brad areas - a small, historic centre of mining, which has declined after 1989.
Center for Promoting Sustainable Development

Fields of Activity: Environment/Sustainable development
General Information:
- Structure: 3 founders with expertise in the field of sustainable development and a number of 6 volunteers with specific expertise.
- Budgetary resources: we cannot provide a specific amount available in an year.
- Sources of funding: we plan to apply for funding from the EU funds and other organisations. Moreover, we count on attracting funds from various donors.
- Modalities of action: we envisage a variety of actions in order to reach the goal of our organisation.For example in the field of youth programs we will focus on exchanges, multilateral initiatives, seminars, campaigns.
- Partners: We want to collaborate with all key players involved in developing and promoting sustainability-related competences including educational institutions, local communities, civil society and employers in order to develop partnerships to integrate education for sustainable development into training, vocational education and workplace learning. We are members of the Earth Charter network and the Social Responsibility Research Network.
Mission and Objectives:
Our mission is:
-to promote the principles, values and practices of sustainable development in Romania.
-to provide citizens with the key skills needed for achieving sustainable development.
Our objectives are:
-to ensure the opportunities which allow everybody to meet fully its potential.
-to develop activities which have a positive contribution to the protection and development of the environment.
-to ensure the opportunities to provide everybody with the necessary abilities in the present and their correlation with the future needs.
Main Projects / Activities:
-Education for sustainable development has a key role in promoting behavioral changes and providing to citizens the key skills needed for achieving sustainable development. Our website and monthly newsletter will be the first sources of information on this topic.
-projects aimed at increasing public awareness and understanding about the challenges of sustainable development and the relationship with education.
-projects focused on solving environmental problems.
-positive actions in favour of socially excluded persons in order to facilitate their integration in the society and their access on the labour market.
-actions aimed at encouraging entrepreneuship and the social responsibility of enterprises
-formation in the field of new technologies.
-projects aimed at improving the managerial expertise in order to deal with the challenges of sustainable development.
-research in the field of sustainable development and dissemination of the results through seminars, workshops.
-consulting in the area of expertise of the members of the Association.
Please indicate if we should provide with specific documents in order to detail our activity.
BEST Bucharest
Fields of Activity: Youth and education
General Information:
BEST Bucharest (Board of European Students of Technology) is one of the 83 local groups scattered across Europe . Since 1995, we are present in the POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest. Today, more than 50 active volunteers are very eager to contribute to the personal development of students by delivering educational and career events. Our activities would have not been possible without the financial support and encouragement of our main partners: POLITEHNICA University, BRD Groupe Societe Generale, Procter&Gamble, Renault. So far we organized: Engineering Competitions, Job Fairs, Academic Courses for students from technical Universities, seminars and trainings based on soft-skills for students.
Mission and Objectives:
Our mission is to develop students by helping students achieve an international mindset, to reach a better understanding of cultures and society and to develop the capacity to work in culturally diverse environments.
Main Projects / Activities:
Providing Complementary Education-Bringing a significant added value to the education provided by the universities.
Providing career support - Connecting students with their future employers.
Increasing educational involvement - Increasing the awareness of students on issues related to engineering education and improving engineering education through the input of those students.